Dear Brethren,

Praise and thanks be to God for the privilege and opportunity last week to visit,minister, be blessed, and be challenged in some of the
Mission works in the Creative Restricted Access Nation. The creative ways of ministering the Gospel with the diverse language barrier, cultural differences, and apparent government restrictions are discreetly carried out. One of the tangible results of the visit and the 1st World Missions Conference is the opportunity to meet and fellowship with local Missionaries in said difficult field, and subsequently be moved
by God in partnering with them.

What a blessing to see the work and bring God’s Word and challenge last Sunday morning and evening services respectively at Grace Baptist Church and Spring City Baptist Church. The 2-day World Missions Conference hosted by Grace Baptist Church led by M. PDJ was indeed a blessing and a real breakthrough as Church leaders,members, and other co-labourers were reminded on the need to get back, maintain, level-up, and be truly faithful in the main thrust of fulfilling the Great Commission.

We thank God for the 5 Missionary families in this CRAN field using Asia Baptist Clearinghouse facilities. We will be supporting starting this month through these 2 Missionary families (PDJ, and LC) with ABC, 4 local Missionaries in various areas in this large and highly populated
Mission field. We pray for many more co-labourers/Missionaries who would trust and respond to God’s call in this vast harvest field. It has been such a relatively long time that no one has surrendered to go to this Mission field.

What a joy and satisfying experience to understand more and more what Mission really is, as we continue to see, seize, and steward the diverse Mission opportunities and challenges in these wide-ranging fields in the world. This accordingly prompts us to have responsive hearts and much more positive action realizing as well that time is running out and the tremendous prospects are dissipating.

My dear brethren, let us continue to do our best share in tangibly reaching the lost world with the Gospel message. May we, among others, passionately and consistently respond in giving our Faith Promise Missions Offering AT LEAST equal to our Tithe! Let us vigorously PRAY,
GIVE, and GO!

All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable