Dear Brethren,
Praise God for the privilege to take part in, and experienced and enjoyed the sweet spirit, encouraging outcome, and numerous blessings of the recently concluded 2-night World Missions Conference at Providence Baptist Church in Dasmarinas, Cavite led by Pastor Courtney Godsoe. Their theme, “We are Debtors” essentially lifted from Romans 1:14-16, reminds us that like the Apostle Paul, our debt as God’s redeemed people is to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. It is however payable forward to the entire world who are yet to hear the gospel message, the Good News of Salvation.
We are then to pay our debt of love by proclaiming and sharing God’s love with the message of the Cross and Christ’s salvation to all people. The confines of the Gospel are “both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.” This means that the Good News is both to the civilized and uncivilized, both to the educated and uneducated, and both to the Jews and Gentiles. Truly, as our Lord Jesus pointed out in Matthew 13:38a that “The field is the world”.
My dear brethren, we have been entrusted with a message that has the potential to change people’s eternal destiny. Our message can help comfort the afflicted, convict the sinner, and challenge the believer. The Gospel message can surely transform lives, and touch hearts. We thank God for the truth we received and this truth must be proclaimed and passed on to others.
May our response be just like the early Church as recorded in Mark 16:20, “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen”. Would to God then, my dear brethren, we faithfully pay our debt forward, giving out “By Faith” with renewed passion and vigor, the Gospel to our community, city, country and beyond.
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable