Dear Brethren,
Our Lord be praised for the victories and blessings of the 8-day Asian Missions trip covering V., C., M., and I.. Thank you my dear brethren for your prayers, cooperation, and support as we continue to encourage our Missionaries and co-labourers in these various Mission fields.
While the visit is just very fast and brief, we thank God that such is even a suitable way to at least feel the heartbeat of our Missionaries and likewise the prevailing situation and concerns in the vast harvest fields. The prospects, challenges, and opportunities are so great that many more labourers are needed in addressing the harvest that is plenteous, ripe, and ready.
What a blessing it was to meet and fellowship in the final leg of the trip the parents (L.L. and V.B.) and fiancée (V.N.N.) of our Missionary T.P. in the special gathering Evangelistic, Baptismal, and Thanksgiving Service in our Bethany extension work in the village of P., M.. All of them together with T.’s aunt (R.) were eventually baptized after signifying the certainty of their salvation in Christ.
There were some 5 others who publicly professed receiving Christ as Saviour at the service’s concluding invitation. Missionaries D.A. and V.E.K. gave first their respective heart-stirring testimonies of salvation, baptism, and call to the Mission field in India, before the privilege given me to bring God’s message and challenge. Thank God even for T.’, uncle Rev. M.S., a Pastor from V. Christian Baptist Church, who graciously and diligently interpreted for me.
My dear brethren, let us continue to move on and beyond in vigorously reigniting our passion in fulfilling the Great Commission. We are confidently assured, among others, in II Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work.”
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable