Dear Brethren,
It was the 10th World Missions Conference the whole day last Tuesday in our daughter church Pateros Independent Baptist Church led by Pastor Ben Togonon. What a decade of World Missions partnership through PIBC, even as they are currently in their expanding Church building project, as we all “consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works”. It was truly a blessing to once again take part in bringing the message and challenge towards the continuing pursuit for World Missions.
The theme, “Reaching the Unreached and the Unengaged”, essentially taken from Romans 12:20-21, has referenced to the Apostle Paul’s desire to preach the gospel in new places where Christ was not known. Paul did not want to build on another man’s foundation. Rather he wanted to do pioneer work for the Lord, not because it was wrong or bad to continue the work begun through another man, but because there was so much to do on the frontiers. Certainly, as clearly cited, among others, in Mark 16:15, the Gospel is to be preached to every creature. The Gospel is surely to all!
The 2nd Mission anniversary celebration yesterday morning of our granddaughter Mission work in Bamban, Tarlac (through Bethany Candaba, Pampanga) led by Mission Pastor Noel Alfonso was another good testimony of the perpetuity of the Church and the work of Missions. We continue to see many more Churches, granddaughter Churches, great granddaughter Churches, and even great, great granddaughter Churches, and many more Mission works that came out, or can trace their roots from the Lord’s Church here in Bethany Makati. What a continuing affirmation of our Lord Jesus Christ’s declaration in Matthew 16:18, “… and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
It will be tomorrow, June 04 when I complete my 18th year as Pastor here in Bethany. By God’s renewing grace and vision, I humbly and dependently CONTINUE to press on in my 19th year and beyond, as Go d’s overseer and watchman in His Church here in Bethany Makati. It is indeed God’s sustaining grace that continues to enable your Pastor and all of us as a Church body in every situation, in our ministries’ operation, and in our World Missions thrust with its Biblical orientation and direction.
My dear brethren, I truly appreciate your continuing fervent prayers and unwavering support as we faithfully carryout God’s mandate in reaching the lost world with the Gospel of Christ. Let us then CONTINUE to press on with a united heart and mind, consistently following God’s leadership, and really experiencing and enjoying the great grace of God in our Christian life and testimony.
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable