Dear Brethren,
Praise God for the great results and blessings of the PNG trip with the series of World Missions Conferences in 5 Churches in 3 key cities of Port Moresby, Lae, and Mt. Hagen. We thank God for His favour and visitation in this various engagements and meetings. The 4th Mission anniversary celebration and 4th World Missions Conference last Sunday at our Bethany Mission in Tensiti-Lae led by Missionary Elajah Rapada were indeed real joy and encouragement. There were some 250 in attendance and several positive commitments made to “occupy, do business and get busy” till the Lord comes.
God had graciously worked and moved hearts to be more responsive and yielded to greater and stronger involvement and partnership in reaching the lost world. We even have with us additional 2 male incoming Bible College/LDWBC Christian College students, each from our Mission work in Tensiti-Lae, and from our partnering Church in Port Moresby. Jude Pokopia and Sogona Sebea have even earlier surrendered for God’s greater use, and expressed their desire to be equipped here in Bethany.
We continue to pray and trust God that many more will get engaged and truly be making a difference in passionately and vigorously reaching the lost world. This surely requires complete dependence upon the presence, provision, and power of the Holy Spirit. What a blessing to be used by God in having a significant part in inspiring and influencing Churches of like faith and practice in a country like PNG to step out, and step up in faith in bringing the Gospel to every creature.
The Apostle Paul aptly testified as recorded in Romans 1:14, “I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.” By “Greeks and Barbarians” Paul was referring to civilized and uncivilized people. “Wise and Unwise” refers to educated and uneducated people. After his experience with Christ on the Damascus Road, his whole life was consumed with spreading the Good News of salvation. His debt was to Christ for being His Saviour, and it was payable to the entire world. He paid his debt of love by proclaiming Christ’s salvation to all people – both Jews and Gentiles, across all cultural, social, racial, and economic lines.
We owe Christ this same debt of love because he took on the punishment we deserve for our sin. Although we cannot repay for all He has done, we demonstrate our gratitude by showing His love to others. We pay it then forward! We pay it forward as we appreciate our rich spiritual legacy. We pay it forward through sharing ministry opportunities, and we pay it forward by intensifying our responsibility.
Thank God for you brethren consistently levelling up your Faith Promise Mission Giving. By God’s enabling grace, we continue on pressing onward, upward! It is indeed a great privilege to invest our life and resources for God’s use that the Gospel be shared to all. Again, thank you my dear brethren for your prayers, cooperation, and yielded heart for God’s cause.
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable