Dear Brethren,
We praise and thank God for the blessings of last week’s ministry engagements especially in the 4-day Pastors and Leaders’ Conference with great emphasis on World Missions at Montecito Baptist Church in Ontario, California. It is in conjunction with their 40th Church anniversary on the invitation of our good friend Pastor Dr. Ezequiel Salazar, Jr. Thank God for the opportunity and privilege to take part and see the moving of God in the hearts of the delegates, with the sweet spirit of the conference. The challenge is based on their overall theme: “40 Years and We’re Just Getting Started”, essentially taken from Joshua 13:1b, “…and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed”.
One of the great encouraging results is the sensitive and yielded hearts of the participants with, among others, 11 young people, 5 couples, and a single adult responding and publicly testifying of God’s call to be part of the labourers in God’s vineyard. It was likewise a blessing to establish new friends and partners in the Mission fields with many Hispanic Pastors and Missionaries not only in various parts of USA but likewise in diverse Spanish speaking countries as Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and El Salvador. One of the Mission-hearted speakers, our new friend and partner, Pastor Dr. Luis Ramos of Iglesia Biblica Bautista de San Luis Potosi City, Mexico has humbly and unequivocally expressed that their Church will be privileged to sponsor and help our Missionary Jojo Latade and family to get to their Mission field in Mexico. Their Church is apparently the Bethany in Mexico and Pastor Salazar would fondly and candidly refer to Pastor Luis Ramos as my counterpart in Mexico. It is indeed the Lord’s hand at work, and so wonderful to behold.
What a blessing likewise to have the reunion with former Bethany brethren the other Saturday, June 01 at Gary and Malou Afable Wright’s residence, and last Friday, June 07 at Bethel Baptist Church in the city of Carson as hosted by Pastor Rudy Abrot. Among the highlights of the gatherings is sharing and thanking God for His great blessings and faithfulness through the years in their home Church in the Philippines. What a blessing as well to get their positive commitments to help monthly our Pastor Emeritus JLR after sharing first-hand his current health condition as well as the precarious situation of mam Jeanette. Thank God as well for the opportunity to visit and fellowship with my brother Dan and his family. Thank you brethren for your prayers, and thank God for Danny’s continuing recovery and improvement from the stroke suffered months back.
Thank you my dear brethren for your continuing prayers even as we move on to the last leg of this USA trip. After this Sunday’s preaching engagements this morning here in San Diego and this afternoon at Fallbrook both in California, we will proceed tomorrow at Lancaster Baptist Church to take part in the 2019 Spiritual Leadership Conference (June 10-12) on the invitation of Pastor Paul Chappell. Their theme, “Alive in Christ” would surely be a blessing even as we allow the Lord to direct and greatly use us in growing stronger in Christ so we can reach farther for our Saviour. Do pray as well for the Round Table Meeting in preparation for the upcoming 2020 Spiritual Leadership Conference in Manila this coming March.
My dear brethren, once again we appreciate much your prayers, under-standing, and support in this 23-day USA trip and ministry engagements. We leave back for Manila from Los Angeles on Thursday noon, June 13, and scheduled to arrive NAIA-1 by Eva Airlines Friday late evening. We continue to thank God and step out in faith in the many God-given opportunities ahead.
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable