Dear Brethren,
We continue to pray and prepare for the special morning wors hip service next Sunday, July 01, with our invited newly elected Barangay officials here in Palanan, and in nearby San Isidro who are about to actually assume their office beginning Monday, July 02. It is a good opportunity to corporately pray for them, and likewise share with them the Biblical principles in righteous governance even starting in a local community level. They will be joined by 3 of our brethren who likewise were elected to such position of responsibility in their respective communities, and who have likewise invited some of their colleagues to attend our special gathering, recognizing and honouring even a representation of our public officials.
As we CONTINUE pressing on to our 65 years and beyond as a local Church, let us truly be aware that as a lighthouse in this community, we are really, as I Timothy 3:15 declares it, a spiritual “house of God, the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.” As individual members and as a corporate body of Christ, God’s desire for us is to lift up the truth so that people would k now and see Jesus. The Church stands as a pillar that is lifting up the truth. We are here to display, represent, uphold, and manifest the truth of God. The Church likewise is the ground of truth. As the ground speaks of a settled foundation, the Church is supported by the truth. Jesus is the chief Cornerstone, and the Church should be foundational, and is to be settled, and unmovable in the community.
My dear brethren, may we heartily and unitedly fulfill God’s design and direction for His Church to hold up or lift up the truth in our community and beyond. May we always be yielded to God’s plan and purpose for the Church to be a strong house, Jesus our Cornerstone, and with the Apostles’ doctrine- the Word of God as our sure foundation! Let the Church be the Church and truly be a genuine testimony for the Truth!
All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable