Dear Brethren,

Praise and thanks be to God for the victories and blessed results of the recently concluded 11-day Missions trip in 4 countries (I., N., M., and S.) involving World Missions Conference, Mission anniversary celebration, Satellite Bible School lectures, Church services, and meetings-fellowships with the counties’ respective spiritual leaders in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We continue to pray and seek God’s favor in preserving and pursuing the gains of the trip with its various ministry engagements. What a blessing and encouragement to meet with, and accordingly see what the Lord is doing through our sent-out Bethany Missionaries in the respective fields of I. (F.C. and B.K.), N. (H.S.), and M. (Y.L.), as well as in our Satellite Bible School in S.

Thank you once again my dear brethren for your most valued prayers, understanding, and support. As always, we thank God for enabling us in faithfully and diligently stewarding these vast Mission and Ministry opportunities in the furtherance of the Great Commission. This is indeed the main thing that our God wants us to keep on, and in so doing, always have a focused heart and an abiding trust in Him alone, towards the consistent fulfillment of His Divine Mandate.

We have two more weeks to prepare before our annual Thanksgiving Sunday worship service. Let us fervently pray and really endeavor to give our best in honor of our Lord and gracious Benefactor. We earmark our Thanksgiving Offering mainly in helping diverse Mission projects, and partly in preparation for our 65th Church anniversary and 19th World Missions Conference.

All By God’s Grace and For God’s Glory!
Pastor Gerry Nable